
DRIVING QUESTION (created by Jennifer Cruz)

A compelling Driving Questions is at the heart of effective projects.  Your driving question should capture the interest of your students and guide their work in the project. 


Driving questions are similar to topical essential questions.  While an essential question has a broader, broad-fields design approach, an effective driving question has some key characteristics. Driving questions are:
* provocative
* open ended
* questions that go straight to the heart of a discipline or topic
* challenging
* situation that arise from real world dilemmas that students find interesting
* consistent in following curricular standards and frameworks

The driving question then is more topical and "forces" the issue of students creating a project in response.
On page 2 of the following article, there is a section that focuses on the driving question: 


*Please note that this material came in part from the following websites:
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How does the place we live in affect how we live?
How does the quality of the water in the watershed impact our local environment?
What is the least amount of packaging material we can use to effectively transport and market our product?
When creating a proposal to renovate an enclosure at the Phoenix Zoo, how will you balance cost with animal needs?


Look at your essential questions. Do they help guide your student's project? Will they help support you in staying on topic and focused on standards? If needed, adapt your essential questions to ensure they are driving questions for your unit.

JUSTIFICATION: Record in your PBL journal the following, under a header marked Driving Question:

What changes did you make in your unit to address this element of PBL?

What value did this change provide?

What perspective(s) were important in your decision to make these changes? (use 3S and 4C models)

Did you purposefully eliminate anything?